Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kookaburra sits on the old gum treeeee.


hmm. well, better than mccain i guess! and please, palin's more of a ditzy blonde than i am okay! so there, ms kaur. (:

my mummy's back from perth! and she bought back a whole lot of stuff for me :D damn cool! sigh, i missed her actually. especially cause i've been feeling quite shit over the past week. and she already kinda annoyed me already with her incessant nagging but it's good to hear ><

oh and the funniest thing she got me, this kookaburra soft toy that laughs like a freaking witch when you press its stomach. looks damn cute but man, it scares the crap out of you when it starts to laugh. even worse than munir's laugh i tell you!

and dear sweet old huierh is like laughing at me for being possesive over my kookuburra. BUT IT'S MINE! hmph.

everything's just kinda going wrong now? i need some normality in my life. will you give it to me? =/

the one thing that really made me forget everything else and laugh today? me and pauline's plan to **** **. okay more like i'm the instigator and she's the one who gets to do all the shiok stuff. :D
rocks. we damn ingenious.

1 comment:

husena! said...

you and palin will get along damn well x) eh why don't you have a tagboard!!