Friday, November 28, 2008


this is like the first happy post since... waitwait, this IS the first happy post! (:

my cuz came over to stay for a few days. which made me realise how horribly out of touch i've been with sec sch work. BUT this chem-math-hist-bio-chi-HOME ECONS tuition teacher isn't doing too bad a job okay! :D except for the fact that we've been watching more tv than mugging. ah well.

check this Sec 1 question out:
[Circle the right answer.]
When an atom loses electron(s), it has more/less electrons.

hahaha i had a good laugh xP ohh if only RJ work were this easy.

and die die die. my old obsession is coming back! suddenly damn addicted to hk dramas again (: which is BAD since i'm supposed to be mugging my ass off now. D:
my new loves <3

Leila Tong (Tang Ning)
She damn pretty right? right! :DD

AHH damn cute!
she's actually quite tomboy. ((:

Raymond Lam (Lin Feng) [cue for jasmin to squeal] and Tang Ning ((:
they super cute together!
esp in 'the last breakthrough' (ohh my fav fav fav show) where they bicker to the ends of the earth.
it's an old show but i'm rewatching it for like the 6th time.
if only i had the canto version la!
okay raymond looks like he's gg to collapse and die soon in this photo. abit unflattering.
apparently she has this new show with Sammul Chan (Chen Jian Feng) and the people are raving about the both of them. hmm.
i still think lin feng and her cuter :D plus the both of them damn tan. matching skin tone what. haha xP

HOHO. BOSCO WONG (Huang Zong Ze). i still think his english name fits a dog more than it fits him. but who cares he's cute anyway. (:

i love to see the both of them pissing each other off in the damn hilarious way but together as a couple? nah. couldn't find another photo of them so had to kope this super interesting avatar from google. whee.

and she can play guitar, piano and the sax. and she can SING. hur.

oh i was quite tickled when i read somewhere that her actual name (the one her parents gave her) was Pauline.

pauline my dear, dig that! xD


there! :D i feel like such a teenage girl hahahahah. playing the part, am i not? who cares la, i only get to be young once! (:

whee going to msia soon and i shall buy some nice nice original canto hk dramas to watch. a nice change from the cheena-dubbed ones i have now. okay i need to control my drama watching man!

and ugh i'm quite annoyed cos when erh and jeryl and pauline return to spore, i'll be leaving for msia. perfect timing luh >:/

my cuz fell asleep watching flushed away and i left her on the sofa for like an hour alr. poor girl. i'm such a horrible cousin >< better haul her up to bed.

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