Saturday, November 8, 2008

Last Christmas i gave you my heart.

i feel quite sad ): haha now that i've "lost" my partner, and i try to occupy myself with other stuff, all my wonderful friends seem to love being busy on the same day so when i ask them out, none of them are free -.-

anyway erherh had some CIP thing in school today, and asked if i wanted to join her. so since my CIP this year is like next to dead, i went with her for the thing. ended up listening to Dr. William Tan ramble on and on for an entire hour and halfway through we kinda zoned out. he was surprisingly funny la actually, but i mean how much lame humour can you take in a day ><

but the next part quite exciting! erh (and i) had this buddy in a wheelchair called melissa, and she and her two other friends were supposed to take part in this wheelchair marathon, uhm, around the school track. 6 freaking km :O i think i wouldn't even be able to make it half a round luh! which is why i'm glad we got to walk the 6 km instead :P

the thing is, melissa completed it! despite proclaiming "wo yao si le la!" every single round. and asking for stuff: "TOWEL!" (erh and i lunge for the towel and pass it to her), "WATER!" (again, erh and i open the 100 plus for her and put it straight into her open palms). and when she's drinking or cleaning her perspiration, we must secretly push her from behind. sigh tough work for us too! but it was damn cool to see her persevere to the finishing line which didn't break when she passed through haha xP and she was super entertained by erh and i's nonsensical bickering.

in the end, we probably didn't get CIP hours but they gave us this RJC collar pin :D oh well, it was a pretty nice experience (:

so went to eat dinner with erh after that and omg, the christmas decorations are up WAY early. i think the people in the creative department of the malls are like super excited about the festival so they decided to celebrate 2 months of Christmas.

I love Christmas. Jesus's birthday! and well, someone else's birthday before that too.

I remember Christmas day last year so vividly. i don't know why. the images are still fresh in my mind. the streets we walked, the shops we stopped at, the stuff we said. and how i vowed never to forget your birthday again.

i won't. but what difference does that make now?

ah i'm shaking with silent laughter cause pauline and i are going a bit nuts online thinking of names to... well, thinking of names xD totally makes my day (:

1 comment:

snowy said...

we should go do cip together someday! :D maybe ocip hahahahahaha then we kill two birds with one stone! (lots of nights to talktalk!) or maybe three birds! if we go africa HAHA

(i really hope you have some comment notification email if not all my randomness is in vain -.-" XD)