Saturday, December 20, 2008

In awe (:

hmm was randomly searching for sth on google when i stumbled across Tang Ning's blog!
唐宁–宁心小筑的BLOG - 唐宁__宁心小筑 - 新浪BLOG (yea well it's in chinese. at least i can understand!)

so read through her posts, and i totally fell in love with her again haha. i love not just the screen characters she plays but her personality in real-life. so unlike those other brainless, tackless, flowervase actresses.
but seriously, she's really a damn caring and amazing girl. her passion and drive and unassuming-ness. really, really respect her.

her and the kids in kenya where she was filming 天涯侠医 (:

she and her obsession with dogs (: (but seriously, the dog damn cute right! looks so smart :D)

okay i couldn't resist but post this xD

the one on the left is her and the right one is Sammul Chan Jian Feng. hilariously gay! xP

her baby in some drama series. zomg the baby is so chubby, damn cute ><

okay. i shall go ATTEMPT to mug. D: and fix another dinner date with pauline (:

jerly had better return soon so i can go learn drums from him! D:


jeeeeerly said...

haha im back already (:

husena! said...