Sunday, December 14, 2008


let's just say this trip was really worthit BUT it's good to be back (: hoho and my canto improved damn alot i damn happy :D
[photo updates some other time when i'm not busy.. watching my dramas!]

bought damn a lot of dramas heehee. UNpirated of course. i'm a good girl. nah the originals over there were rly cheap luh. so splurged lor (:

i missed a lot a lot of ppl! esp pauline la, husena, erherh, jeryl
.. (and im sure they missed me back okay! xD)

anyhow had a damn fun day out on friday with pauline my dear, and laughed until i damn tired. :DD if only our laogongs were there right right! xP

next, time to meet my beloved girls (husena, erh, hannah, yen) and give out pressies! so fun :))

then it's off to msia. AGAIN. with my cousins.
damn funny la, me and my mum just returned, then two days later she and my sis-in-law (plus nephews) scoot off to KL again, and when they come back, off i go. it's like we're spore PRs or sth. O.O

psst erherh: watch out for HAIRY.


husena! said...

yes i missed you muchly as wellll! and you didnt do that stupid quiz thing in the end huh x)

chipofftheole'block said...

haha! im doing now! the questions are retarded xP