Monday, February 2, 2009

Asanti Sana for Kenya (:

watching 天涯侠医 made me fall in love with Kenya and look!! omg don't the photos make you feel like going there NOW. D: i love that place. and yes, you're welcome husena dear for me rubbing salt into ur wounds ><>

ahh. damn nice. you won't even have to force me to wake up early. i'll rush out of bed every morning to see the sunrise :D and omg i want to see how tall the giraffes are. i mean yes i know they're damn tall compared to me -.- but they're so cute. neck so long. xD


husena! said...


snowy said...

hahaha i dont know why im just very attracted by your african posts! eh but look at giraffee your neck will become very suan1 can! :P especially when yahh you and giraffee quite different HAHA