Monday, January 5, 2009


And yes, my new obsessions! :DD thanks to forensics 2.
Kevin Cheng (Zheng Jia Ying) and Charmaine Sheh (She Shi Man)

and i think they're a perfect match! they should just admit that they're together la and save the paparazzi the speculation. (:

i think they're damn cute. and they sing damn well together too :D
should see their NG scenes in forensics 2. bloody funny xP

But apparently Bryden says he's handsome but she ain't pretty. Yea right. That baboon only has eyes for "his" Tang Ning. and keeps pestering me for her photos. lazy bum, dunno how to go and find for himself :P
ERH LEFT FOR UK ): i'm damn sad. luckily i didn't go to the airport to send her off, if not i would have cried like nobody's business. just managed to catch her at her house right after she left to give her the scrapbook, class video and my card. take care erherh. and study harder alright!!
sigh next yr 09SO3B one less girl and we already have so little girls ):
i don't want school to start. i've been putting off all the problems and when school starts i have to face them all again. bleh. the only thing i'm looking forward to is that my smartypants cousin will be in RJ next yr and i can laugh at him :D
oh and also that pauline and i celebrating our birthdays tgt (: haven't seen her in a long long time ):
i mean honestly, what do you expect me to do now? you know when she asked me, i was lost for words. and there was this familiar sense of guilt. the bottomline is that now, it isn't my fault. i gave you an excuse to make the situation better. but i know there's still some stuff that you didn't tell me (just like the year before) and you probably never will. this is all damn silly can't you see? why can't this all just end?
new year, new beginnings. but how can something have a new start when there was never a proper conclusion?
maybe i'm still too coward to take bigger steps to change my circumstances. the short spurt of determination that i had a while back is starting to fade and i'm fumbling again. this calls for new year's resolutions! and i shall keep them for the whole year (hint hint husena xD)!
and cheer up jywj!! the world still continues to turn (: and yah you still have me as backup haha.

ZOMG i hate the paragraphing thing. i can never get it to work!


jeeeeerly said...

haha dont think u would have cried, no one cried at the airport lol. EH never blog about ur drum lesson and how ur wonderful drum teacher was so pro xD

oh yeah do u have a copy of the class video? :/ i wanna watch haha

husena! said...

you finally updated!! eh i'm keeping my new year resolutions quite well k x)

eh jeryl wahlau why you don't comment on my blog also. why so partial towards sarah HUH. HAHAHA. besides right, i even made a public apology to you!

jeeeeerly said...

HAHA I DONT KNOW UR BLOG!! sorry xD i would check ur blog if i knew it lor =/