Saturday, December 20, 2008

In awe (:

hmm was randomly searching for sth on google when i stumbled across Tang Ning's blog!
唐宁–宁心小筑的BLOG - 唐宁__宁心小筑 - 新浪BLOG (yea well it's in chinese. at least i can understand!)

so read through her posts, and i totally fell in love with her again haha. i love not just the screen characters she plays but her personality in real-life. so unlike those other brainless, tackless, flowervase actresses.
but seriously, she's really a damn caring and amazing girl. her passion and drive and unassuming-ness. really, really respect her.

her and the kids in kenya where she was filming 天涯侠医 (:

she and her obsession with dogs (: (but seriously, the dog damn cute right! looks so smart :D)

okay i couldn't resist but post this xD

the one on the left is her and the right one is Sammul Chan Jian Feng. hilariously gay! xP

her baby in some drama series. zomg the baby is so chubby, damn cute ><

okay. i shall go ATTEMPT to mug. D: and fix another dinner date with pauline (:

jerly had better return soon so i can go learn drums from him! D:


愛在記憶中找你 (歲月風雲插曲) - 林峰

我对你 这一生 哪个可比

我与你 差一些 永远一起

邂逅时间场地 似连场好戏


爱太重 深呼吸 欠缺空气

爱太美 轻轻的 却载不起

爱情来到时候 似明媚天气

它走了 突然骤变雪落雨飞

如果可以恨你 全力痛恨你


无非想放下你 还是挂念你





你太远 该怎么 说对不起

你太近 一转身 却已高飞

快乐也许太短 似场流星雨

一眨眼 就如幻爱怕又记起

如果可以恨你 全力痛恨你


无非要放下你 还是挂念你







was listening to this song when it suddenly made me recall stuff that shouldn't be bothering me anymore. what to do, it'll take a bit more time for the fear to completely go away i suppose. i wonder if one can induce selective amnesia.

anyhow, this song is nice :D and

"习惯的东西未必是最好的, 没有新尝试, 怎么会有新惊喜呢?" -潮爆大状

okay it sounds better in canto, but hey, it makes sense (:

Monday, December 15, 2008

Man's best friend :D

HOHO my 2 favourite dog breeds (: (mini schnauzer and shih tzu!)

SOOOO CUTE (: -squeals-

so there jerly yeo, schnauzers > malteses!

Kudos to Husena (:

(pardon the paragraphing. i tried screaming at them but the words refused to move to their proper places so, yea.)

RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.(okay let me just say the rule is so amusing haha replace questions!)
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people.

1. Do you have secrets?

HOHO that’s for me to know and for you to find out!

2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl older than you?
DUH! (Nono, he has to be like born on the exact same day, month and year as me. oh and same hour too! -.-)

3. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
WHOA MAN. I’d prob have cardiac arrest and die.
Okay okay. I’ll donate half to charity, give the remaining half to my family then travel the world with my best friend and our hubbies (: SHIOK.

5. Would you fall in love with your best friend?
Provided my best friend is a guy?

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return. Does that answer the question?
Okay. Loved. (:

7. How do you define love?

Love as in friendship love or family love or love love? I swear, these questions are all so vague.

If its love love then i suppose it'll mean that i look at that guy and know that i want him to be the father of my kids and spend the rest of my life with him LOR.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
(HAHA i love Husena’s answer.)

STEAL HIM. hahaha, i guess i'll have to wait and see if there's anyone more suitable.

9. What makes you happy?
Pauline, husena, erh, yen, hannah, jeryl (haha jerly please don't kill me for putting u in there with all the girls ><), shijie, priya, dogs, people doing good things without seeking reciprocation..
anything that makes my heart smile (:

10. What makes you sad?
Go see the lyrics to Crazy by Simple Plan and Where Is The Love by BEP.

Losing people (or pets) i love too.

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
As a doctor with a husband, and maybe a kid. plus in Africa with some charity organization I guess?

Not too hopeful though xP

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
God, family, friends.

13. What is the most important thing in your life?
Living life with true meaning and purpose. (HAHA check out my PW proposal.)

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
if my hub's a great guy then married but poor! if not we'll prob be snatching money from each other's pockets.

15. What is your favourite colour?
Pink! and orange and baby blue. black and white go well together.

(Let's just pretend i saw "What are your favourite colourS?" shall we!)

16. If you fall in love with two people simulateneously, and both do the same, who would you pick?

O.O what a weird question. the cuter one lor hahahah xP

17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
forgive yea, but forget? probably never.

18. What would you tell someone you like?
Tell? HECK, just kiss him! Or her, whichever ur sexual preference. (:

19. If there is a choice between love and friendship, which will you choose?
uhm. depends on the situation?

20. Do you believe that there's "True Love"?
Maybe not for me, but yup i believe! hopeless romantic. (:

3 people who're going to do this survey.



(2 of the 3 don't know about my blog O.O)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


let's just say this trip was really worthit BUT it's good to be back (: hoho and my canto improved damn alot i damn happy :D
[photo updates some other time when i'm not busy.. watching my dramas!]

bought damn a lot of dramas heehee. UNpirated of course. i'm a good girl. nah the originals over there were rly cheap luh. so splurged lor (:

i missed a lot a lot of ppl! esp pauline la, husena, erherh, jeryl
.. (and im sure they missed me back okay! xD)

anyhow had a damn fun day out on friday with pauline my dear, and laughed until i damn tired. :DD if only our laogongs were there right right! xP

next, time to meet my beloved girls (husena, erh, hannah, yen) and give out pressies! so fun :))

then it's off to msia. AGAIN. with my cousins.
damn funny la, me and my mum just returned, then two days later she and my sis-in-law (plus nephews) scoot off to KL again, and when they come back, off i go. it's like we're spore PRs or sth. O.O

psst erherh: watch out for HAIRY.